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"Eliza- Briahahahanha please, PLEASE! I'm sorry I'M SORRY AHAHAHAHAHA please stop.

Brianna- Oh yeah? And when did you start to experience that sudden regret?

Eliza- Plehahahahase I did not know that this could hahahahappen.

Brianna- You know... That's not a great argument in your defense... Quite the contrary.

Eliza- PLEASE PLEAHAHAHAHASE!!! This is unbearahahahable HAHAHAHAHA!

Brianna- Oh... That's something that thanks to you I know perfectly well, I also remember how awful it was to have to endure everything without being able to do anything at all, not even move my foot away or wrinkle my soles. Funny right?


Paul- Brianna... Please, I'm also a victim like you, she cheated on me too to...

Brianna-  To make you believe that you came here to tickle me!... AND YOU ACCEPTED!!!

Paul- But...

Brianna- BUT WHAT?... Don't think I've forgotten about you... take note, because when I'm done with her in a long looooong time it's your turn.


Brianna- Of course... the same mercy that you had with me... How does the steel of these claws feel running through your soles?


Brianna- Just like I thought... Coochie coochie coo..."

November 1... I would have liked to have published this tomorrow to respect the exact date that I set as the deadline for voting, but on the one hand, I do not think that in a few hours there could be huge changes in the results, and on the other, for reasons work I have to spend a few days away from home again, and I won't go back to use a computer for another week and a half. Those who follow me on Patreon can rest assured, I have scheduled posts, and even if I am not available, the content will continue to arrive regularly.
When I published the poll, I did not know which result could end up being the winner, or by how much margin, and that would have been a bit problematic in case both options had been more even, but in this case there is a victory... Or crushing defeat , which means that Eliza has lost all her privileges and from now on we can see her suffer the same that until now she only gave. 😈




Have to admit, still wanted to see her keep her dignity. But she also looks very cute and adorable in those stocks, begging for mercy <3


And I still have to publish the immobilizer as a free prop for DAZ... I already have an excellent forced volunteer to do the promotion and the tutorial XD.