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"- You see it? I told you, I'm not ticklish.

- You'll see honey, there are a number of signs, such as that expression you put on your face for a moment when I showed you when I finished putting you in the stocks, that it also has a specific piece to immobilize the big toes, and therefore wrinkled your soles to resist better is an unfeasible option... Of course, having your fists so tight since I started isn't helping you much to convince me, not to mention that little tremor when I stoped using the fingertips and I started using my nails... I think the key here is persistence, I'm not in a hurry and I assure you that you're not going anywhere."

The first of the posts that I leave scheduled while I'm not at home, and if you're reading this, everything went well, because it's the first time I've tried to do it XD.

Originally I was going to include a more realistic and elaborate scenario here, but after 4 tests in which I always got a half-dark room I decided to simplify. The girl's hair is also the first time I use it. I've had it for a long time, but on my old computer it was totally impossible to try to render it without the computer crashing. I hope you like the final result.



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