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Many of you, especially those who follow me or met me through Deviantart, will be familiar with my original characters, Eliza, Brianna and my latest addition, Paul, yes, those same ones that now appear in motion as the cover of my Patreon.

Until now the mechanics of the relations between them could be summed up in that Eliza until now had total impunity to do whatever she wanted to the other two, without having to suffer any consequences, something that many people liked, but also quite a few asked me when we would finally see her in the role of victim.

Today I put this decision in your hands, you decide with your vote if from today Eliza loses her total impunity and also starts to delight you with her laughter and pleas, or on the contrary you prefer the situation as it is now. You have a margin to vote until November 1 of this year.

I also attach the image that I used to announce this poll on Deviantart.




oh yes and i thought about Brianna sitting on it. by the way your tickle throne projects are my favorites <3 of course the others ones are also awesome!


I really want to see her get her get tickled.... but mabye just in a dream scene by Brianna. Cause I think Eliza should stay in this position as a character and this feeling of being untouchable and that she controls every scene gives a lot to her


Personally I think the same as you... But also and with the same force, I think it would be funny if she discovered in the worst way that she is not untouchable. 🤭