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“Hi Little Puppy. How did you spend this afternoon?... Oh, bored?... I would have liked to have been able to take you for a walk with me on the beach, but the stocks is fixed to the ground, and it doesn't have wheels, so I had to leave you here, but now to make it up to you we are going to play for a long, looong time, give me a second I am going to get the tray of toys and now I can offer you all my attention...

Well, which of them do you want us to play with?... Makeup brushes feathers?... Little Puppy I think you deserve special treatment today for having had to leave you alone for so many hours, I think that for now we are going to opt for a fork… Hehehe let me insist, after all right now what I want most is to take a shower, and yet I am forced to give you all my attention. Look how dirty my feet are, although on second thought maybe you can help me with that… Make sure you clean between the toes too, I'm sure you don't want to piss of mom.”

This set has made it a bit difficult for me. It was originally going to be a test where I was going to leave my computer rendering image after image of the same scene, for almost two days when I wasn't going to be home. In principle it might even be possible that the computer had done half of the work in one night, but in the morning I found that the first image had managed to render 0%, although the quality was relatively good. I think that the fault of this is the set of lights, the reflections and trying to render an interior space, that's why I use to use an image many times as a background. Even so, I decided to take this easy, and leave to the computer as a margin the nights and the time in which I went to work to render each image one by one, and when I woke up and came back from work I would save what I found. I hope you like the result.




Amazing set. REALLY wish I was him