Possible changes in my Patreon (Patreon)
First of all, thank you for being patrons! I have a tentative announcement to make.
For the past year, my Patreon page description had been the following:
> I create virtual reality gimmicks and productivity tools: https://hai-vr.dev
> Everything I create is free and I have no plans to change that.
> One thing I value for my own creations is the creative freedom I have, to choose what I want to work on on my free time. If I have an idea, I want to work on that idea, even if I have other projects.
> Some of you want me to open means of financial support, so I am opening this Patreon.
> - I will continue to create content at my own pace, regardless of your support.
> - There are no rewards and no benefits whatsoever to support me.
> - I do not need your support to pay rent or food or earn a living. My current living situation does not warrant it. Most if not all of the donations I receive will probably be redirected into art requests and commissions to other artists, for art drawings of my avatar purely for my personal enjoyment.
> I cannot guarantee any of the above will remain true over time, but these are the expectations I currently have of myself at this time of writing.
> If you agree with those expectations from me, it is your choice to support me or not. I am thankful if you do! ⭐
Circumstances in my life have changed during the past year, both in living conditions and career inspirations. As a consequence there may be changes in how I decide to manage my Patreon page in the future. The major changes that could occur is the following:
- There may be vanity rewards for some of the tiers. Previously, it was explicitly stated that there were to be no rewards given my previous living situation. Rewards could be cosmetic additions in VRChat worlds, and other.
- Everything that I have created in the past is free, but it may be possible that access to some future creations would only be available to supporters of some tiers.
It's up to you to decide whether you want to continue being a patron following these possible changes.
Thank you for your understanding!