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Apologies in advance for this not being content. Next chapter is soon. In the meantime, I am here to spam the shit out of you because the new Kickstarter is LIVE, and we are selling two different hardcover versions of book one. A regular fancy hardcover and a limited opalescent foil version that will be signed and numbered! The book features new, exclusive cover art of Carl and Donut VS the Rage Elemental from Scott Wegener. If we manage to fund, we'll also be adding a ton of stretch goals along the way, possibly including new, additional art for the interior and a bunch of other fancy things like colored edges, a ribbon. Maybe I can get the book to literally suck your dick, etc. We'll see.  

Also, if this is successful, we WILL be doing all the later books so there's a matching set, and we'll eventually have all of them available. One of my goals is a display box to fit them all. Either way, the only way to get the opalescent version is THIS campaign.  

Pretend this is a real picture and not some digital mockup.

One of the stretch goals will be additional monster/item/loot cards beyond what you get for the $55 tier+ featuring new art and STATS. We're still working on the TTRPG project, but we did put a lot of work into it, and I want to make sure some of that stuff becomes available, too.

Also, make sure you check out the video for the campaign. Mr. Jeff Hays narrated it himself.

Thank you everyone for your support. Hopefully this thing funds because if it doesn't imma have to get a second job paying for it all haha.

Also, you'd be doing me a real solid if you could share this. This is my first kickstarter, and I'm using a third party to run it because I have no idea WTF I'm doing.




Backed for the $105 tier. A dust jacket for the limited edition would be great as a stretch goal. Also if sound chips are on the table, one for the Donut standee would be great.


Im getting that foil book graded lol.


Is it too late to make level 9 a trilogy???

Laura H

Is there any chance we might see an add-on of a Donut t-shirt?

Corey Pittman

Just put in my support. Couldn’t do much, but I hope it helps.

Jon Contego

Noooooo I’m too late to pledge :(

Wesly Flotman

you and me both, hope we'll get another chance soon. I only just recently got introduced to this series and I'm hooked!

Joshua Galaise

Future guy here. You can late pledge on kickstarter and pledgemaster right now. For those like me that missed the first go around