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If you're holding out on reading book 6 until audio, you'll want to skip this poll.


Carl is getting a pet. Ren's Tummy Acher needs a new name. The system will not allow it to be named Garret, and Carl will suggest to name it Garret 2 to which Donut will have a visceral, negative reaction. She's also going to object to adding him to the party either way and will go on a rant about adding new, cute characters late season ala Scrappy Do, and Cousin Oliver in the Brady Bunch, hence the last few choices. Whatever you pick will be set in stone. I'm already writing this scene, hence the shorter than usual poll.   

Multiple choices allowed so y'all can game the shit out of the poll.

Also, I love the idea of Meatwad, but I want to avoid trademarked characters, unless it's a joke.

Monkey is an unlikely choice, but it's the dog from Gossip Girl.



Mini Donut not on the list? That would piss donut off.


Meatwad would be cool


I think cousin Oliver would have won if people got the reference. This is such a cousin Oliver move. Having a scene where cousin Oliver jumped the shark would have been epic.


I'm way too late to this, but I remember thinking how cute it would be to call him Renson - as in, son of Ren! Anyway, thatll be my head cannon nickname.