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So this is not the final, final version, but we're getting close. There are still typos to squash, and a few rando inconsistencies to fix. This version removes an unimportant fight or two and adds a sprinkling of new New Achievement notifications throughout. Lots and lots of little things have changed, too, like Phase Through Wall is a potion the whole time and not a scroll half the time. Deals with the Liquid Therapy potion issue that protects them from Shi Maria. Deals with Carl not opening his Xmas present, etc. etc. etc. 



FINALLY we are moving past this floor. The cards were just too much. Cannot wait for faction wars!


I’m not sure of the best way to report these so I’ll just do it here. In the fight in the barn as the Lizard Totems time out it incorrectly says turkey “Both of the turkey totems timed out at the same time. The cards flew back to their respective decks.”

Jett Hardin

Yeah I think it was a cool idea but to make it get used he had to force them to use it and imo it ended up feeling forced and clunky. Still enjoyed the book but definitely not my favorite floor

Ilya Taytslin

I wonder if any other crawler besides Paz got turned into a card?


FYI guys Matt said something about finishing chapter one either today or tomorrow on the live stream yesterday so we'll probably be getting that real soon

Jett Hardin

At some point Matt mentioned a TV show based on the books has that gone anywhere


Anyone have a link to the discord? The link in the patreon is expired


THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!!!! I just finished and I’m still working through all the emotions. So powerful, edge of my seat, don’t go to sleep writing. Somehow you made me love Carl and Donut even more. Thank you❤️


Any news on the release date for Eye of the Bedlam Bride on Audible?? I can't find release info anywhere.