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Carl has received a Platinum fan box! What's in it?

The choice made in this poll will have HUGE impact on the direction of this story, just as big as the choice you made when you picked the puppy, so choose wisely. 



Meet and greet so he can interact with the possible old holder of the DACB.

Ricky Kukowski

Map because I want to see the guild thing finally come into play. also could be useful.


five patches because I want Carl to survive.


Automatons would fit nicely into the suicide bombing role he's developing.


My vote is for the con because it lets you get some more hooks for outside of the dungeon. He could convince his sponsors to get the automaton table, map upgrade, or whatever else.


I feel like the meet and greet is more consistent of Carl getting shit he doesn't want that usually ends up being a big boon. *Squish*


The meet and greet is going to be far more important in the long term.

Lion Heart

I’m going with patches because I want the gang to discover what scutelliphily means

John Anastacio

I chose the Meet and Greet because it's something that Carl can't get for himself. Also because it will give us a look at the outside and free society, which I've been very curious about.

Benjamin Kerei

Meet and greet sounds the funniest. Advanced automaton table sounds the most badass. A whole guild getting access to making robot foot soldiers would be cool for level 9.

David Burchfield

I really want to see the guild thing. Remember training guilds and racial guilds. His whole set up is based on getting skills over 15 for the massive benefits that gives and guilds seems the best way to do it. Plus lots of potential for Primal or Cat guilds.


I worry that Carl won't be able to get through the meet-and-greet without letting his facade slip. He can play to the crowd, up to a certain extent at least, but how much of that can he tolerate? Yes, they might be fans, but they're fans of the program that has seen the utter destruction of his civilization and the near total obliteration of the human population of Earth. How much chill does he have left at this point?


tossing up between meet and greet, which has best story implications, and automaton, which has best survival... It's...really quite brilliant how I'm torn between entertainment and wanting him to survive, just like the in-story fans/audience would be. Once again the metaphor of us being aliens savoring their struggles is real.

Craig Carey

I want to know what the spell roots does. I suspect it's based off the 70s tv series......

John Donovan

My vote is for the Automaton table. One of my favorite quests from a old MMORPG was one that gave me mechanical chickens that would run up to mobs to self-destruct.


The two people who voted for A box of 50 spider bombs should lose their voting privileges. Like cmon bruh.


Autograph session. Would love to voice some insufferable intergalactic fans


I would love to see a bad-ass flying mount, something like a dragon, which he can start to level-up as early as possible, mount which can become so powerful that it can be on par or better than miriam's pet... with breath attack and some useful spells and abilities... imagine a core party of a cat, a primal, a dinosaur and an ancient dragon :-)


Meet and greet FTW

Rene Christensen

Definitely the auomaton table. Carl and donut would only be able to meet and greet a few thousand fans. To do so they'd have to sacrifice at least a day. Meaning no loot, no guildwork etc for that time period. Its likely it would cost them viewers.


Wait would Carl and donut be able to charge and get money for the meet and greet?


Why is the Automaton Table winning? This is an outrage!


I want to see the huge impact of a con.


got to go with the con. if the whole point is to try and bring down the game and the people running it, interacting with fans and the larger universal population semi directly will course all kinds of anarchy both in and out of the game.


I’m a little concerned about the meta out of game stuff potentially overshadowing the crawl parts of the narrative. I also think the possibilities opened up by the guild finder upgrade allowing Carl to potentially find the ‘hidden’ Primal racial guild are too valuable to ignore.


When was the puppy picked? I don't remember that.

John Anastacio

Link here, to the polls: https://www.patreon.com/dinniman/posts?filters[tag]=polls


The table, spider bombs, and beanie babys all amount to roughly the same thing as far as plot devices go. The map upgrade and the Meet and Greet are both wild cards. Anything could happen!


So if it is a tie do we get both?

David Ford

Really hoping for a tie now just to see what happens


if it's a tie then best of both worlds?


I kind of would like both too. Ones practical in the sense of Carl’s progress and the other would creative a fantastic opportunity for Crazy Carl stuffs to happen.


Hehe a tie between my two favourite options


I want to see how the tie gets resolved.


Goddamnit, Patrons.


New achievement! You have abused a democratic process to produce an ambiguous result. It's true when they say that the will of the people really doesn't matter. Reward? You receive a Gold authoritarian's box.


Guess next time we get charged a credit for the platinum votes, we're only punishing ourselves

Benjamin Kerei

I'm really interested in seeing how you incorporate both prizes. Good luck, Matt.


This is awesome

Douglas Lilley

I want the meet-and-greet to be the prize and the automation table to be the autograph table that Carl steals because he grabs everything that’s not nailed down!


I made a drinking game. Every time Carl puts something in his inventory you drink.

Douglas Lilley

Lol, I hope you limit it by chapter. Otherwise it’s major substance abuse!

Jett Hardin

I really like the beanie babys and spider bombs but had to hop on the 'lets force the author to give extra prizes' train


if he gets the advanced automaton table I hope he goes the drone crafting route rather than building the giant dwarven mechs we saw on the Iron Tangle. Which now that the Valtay have taken over (with theyr preference for sci-fi themed dungeons) they will probably try to tilt the floor stories/themes just a little bit to match their preference. I can see a situation where people start getting slightly more sci-fi themed drops as the floors progress.