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II will be leaving tomorrow for the trip to NFC, that of course means that i won't be able to work on commissions or the comics while i'm gone. Sorry for the delays and inconvenience it causes!

However this is a great time to bring out the tablet and do some sketching! this means of course free sketches. I will try my best to finish as many as i can, but i can't promise to finish all of them, as unfortunately i will want to enjoy the con too. Luckily i have more than plenty of travel time.

If you wish to get a free request done you can send me a message here or on telegram. Unfortunately i won't be having my discord available, as my phone hates it XD But if you wish to contact me via discord send a message to Tanhir, he'll let me know.

Both SFW and NSFW pictures are fine! 

I'll be excited to hear your ideas <3 

Have great rest of the week and next week!