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Soon Kobold cave 2 will be finished so we need to start thinking about the next comic :D The previous poll has leaned really heavily to Kobold cave 3 and i have already plenty of ideas for it! BUT like said, i need some time to write it out, so on the meantime, let's get a minicomic going :)

What would you like to see in this minicomic? I love all the ideas you gave and i'd really like to hear what you think


Izzy Jones

Is it bad that I feel basic af. I've seen Pokemon stuff done so many times but it's all just so good! Honestly regardless of the outcome, I'm just excited to see more of your artwork no matter what you decide to go with :3


Well i mean does pokemon mean basic? :3 It can be really fun and everyone loves pokemon. hehe i'm so glad you're liking it >///<