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Hey guys! Ishara here, wanted to tell you all what's been going on.

Technical Issues: So as previously stated, we have been having problems with a lot of our recordings of shows and movies. We have our reaction footage, but not the actual content. We're currently trying to find new programs and software to rerecord what we've reacted to thus far, and once we do, we will put things up on our regular schedule.

Health Issues: I've been having some major health problems over the last few weeks. This has made recording pretty much impossible. While I've been able to fight through it for you guys before, things started getting worse and I found myself hospitalized for a couple of days. I'm doing okay now, definitely recovering, but I do have to take it easy. I'm taking things slow both with YouTube and with my regular job, and trying to just get tons of rest.

We both hope you guys understand and can be patient with us as we navigate these issues, and we're truly sorry about this. Hope you guys are doing well and we can't wait to return to you!