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Hey guys, no subtitles on this one! We had to rerecord it and realized after that the subs weren't on!

But this is a fun one!

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XFhRBasMgVtILOl_a2YsTc2ZaFJXKtH8/view



Teyon Alexander

🔪🗡️ nope Scud didn’t fool me. He seemed shifty. I too wondered where the love interest from the first film went when I first saw this. My theory is that she relapsed into her vampiric ways and had to be taken out. Pretty sure we never really find out what happened to her. The next film is not my favorite. Ron Perlman (big guy split in half at the end) and Luke Goss (split mouth camp leader/the brother) - were in Hellboy 2 together. In that movie Luke Goss also plays a brother to a sister in a “royal” line. Apparently he also was a drummer in a 80s band called Bros. Who knew?! -T