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A very very late movie monday indeed

Got a fun one though!

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wENyXYykGPwJwGFx4rNxKnyg2IhrcZPf/view



Teyon Alexander

🤡🤡 Great reaction! I think this is a great movie but a terrible Joker movie in terms of nestsblishing him as a believable villain for Batman 20 years later. As Enya pointed out, it means that Batman has been beating the living shit out of a geriatric, mentally ill person off their meds. All Batman had to do was make sure the Joker was taking his medication and there’s be no need for all the deaths and all the fisticuffs with a guy old enough to be his father. Kind of like how Barry handles his villains, ya know? By being kind first. Ruins the whole mythos of their conflict and makes Bruce out to be more of an ass than he normally is - which is saying a lot. Lol