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Jerome and Victor what are y'all doing here????!!!

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18ZxdP_OPnlnBgB1hJxZX-Nhjc6pVbul3/view



Teyon Alexander

🪡🗡️ great reaction! I would do the wall if it was to avoid death or dismemberment. I would not do the wall for any other reason though. Yeah seasons last years, which is why at first I used to get upset when people would say back “in those days” or “back I. Medieval times” when talking about game of thrones. I would be like, it’s not even earth there is no “back in those days” because for all we know this is the present on their planet. Lol. I was a bit of an ass when the show was airing. There were 11 actors from Game of Thrones who were also in Harry Potter movies. There may have been more but I can think of 11. Some you haven’t come across yet in the show. Also: I really wish we got to hear at least one Raven speak. It would have been cool. But i eventually came to terms with the notes on legs.