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What a way to end... ready for the finale!

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uE0PCc04Zrn5Qxd457qN1Ybo_31dayMZ/view



Dana (Dah-Nah)

absolutely screaming at the reactions to Draeden walking around half naked 😭 i know it's still a while away but do you guys have an idea for this shows replacement?

Dana (Dah-Nah)

also, Superman & Lois came way after this show was finished, before the casting of Lois, people wanted Meagan as his Lois (he'd shown up on Supergirl a couple times before they casted Lois) but she was casted in Batwoman around the same time lmao

Dana (Dah-Nah)

would you guys hate it if i posted a clip from here on twitter? (i’d link to the patreon underneath)