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We're glad they brought up how Carly treated Freddie in the past. Can't have this relationship be a good one and NOT bring it up...

(Sorry these are coming so late. Gonna try to be more consistent!)

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1En0AbrSXXKDrL4p7noMmgB9uIVP1I0Ch/view



Pepsi Cola

I agree with ya'll Carly did string him along for a long time. I think she just liked the idea of always having him there and only going to him when there is no other option. I had a guy do that to me, as soon as he broke up with his other girlfriends he would come crawling back to me even if we hadn't spoken in a year or two he always saved my number using me as a security blanket. I BLOCKED HIS ASS!