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So...who was invited to the wedding??

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1slqrm5ZCjYwWPRNij_Nx7oYzNTBwTfcG/view



Teyon Alexander

Great reaction!👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️. I think heyre making a Super Skrull - or are trying to. That would explain the dna samples as well as Gravik’s lack of concern about the Avengers. I also think that when a skrull takes a shape, their organs and genitalia also adapt to the form theyre taking. So in theory Nick could have a skrull-human child with his wife. Inknow in the comics there is a young Avenger named Hulkling who is married to one of Wanda’s boys. He’s half Skrull half Kree, which makes me think it’s possible since Kree and Skrulls hve different anatomy. I was on the fence with Gravik as a villain but he is growing on me. Pour one out for Agent Hill.

KaSean Ballou

Another great reaction. I love the twists and turns this show is taking. Gravik is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Seeing Fury with his wife immediately I thought of the scene from Winter Soldier where Fury showed up at Steve's and said "my wife kicked me out." Grant it he was saying for the people listening. To lift your spirits concerning Maria I just heard that she's going to be in the Marvels.👩‍❤️‍👨