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This is a SUPER under the radar movie that most people likely don't know about, even we knew very little about it, but it's SO GOOD. Please give it a watch!

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/118KQQnLBWXDB8TpnxHOmW4oxTxqA-8zr/view



Theo Harris

One of my favorite books I read in 12th grade was Zora Neale Hurston' Their Eyes Where Watching God.

Jeniqua Lucena

I love this movie and was excited to see someone finally react to it. Anthony stated in an interview that he also did this movie to get a better understanding to things his oldest brother may have gone through. I dont know if your dvd has commentary but if it does watch it with Anthony or the director.

Enya and Ishara

Omg we don't have the DVD we bought it on Amazon but now I'm so sad I can't listen to the commentary!