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This was super cute!

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PM-T-b-3trTbFANuT80AUxtkPSBv2zQr/view



Amy Cope

🍂I adore this show. I hope you continue, it's very quick to get through. Only 8 episodes & they're all short.

Amy Cope

I will say that everything you mentioned wanting in terms of diversity will be met. Yes Charlie and Nick are the main characters but the side characters do get enough time and development for us to fall in love with them and their stories.

Amy Cope

The other good thing about it is that it's safe to watch. It deals with lots of big issues but not in the "trauma porn" kind of way that LGBTQ+ storylines are usually handled. It's all done very sensitively and the show overall is like a nice warm hug.... Or therapy. Lol. It's feelgood vibes the whole way through. Beautifully done.


As a mixed race black guy I'm fine with it, not everything needs to be about race I think they are great reactors but they could chill out on that whole race thing

Enya and Ishara

"The whole race thing" is me just wanting to see diversity. This comment is why I made sure to state that it wasn't a criticism on this show at all. It's more of an criticism toward the entertainment industry. I know the stories I want to see are being written, I just want them to be given a chance by these big production companies. And more so, it's just my opinion. I want to see more shows where people like me are the main character. Perhaps something everyone who isn't white can somewhat relate to. 🤷🏽‍♀️-E