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Hey guys!

Thank you all for your responses to the Harry Potter poll and for being respectful and kind. We got a lot of mixed responses from everyone and have ultimately come to the conclusion that we will not be reacting to the series. While this may be upsetting to some, we recognize that doing the reaction would cause more harm than not doing it.

Please understand that we’ve both been big fans of Harry Potter for years and revisiting the world with you would have been a personal joy for us as well. This was not an easy decision, but we hope you still respect it.

As we said, there were mixed responses, which included individuals saying they wanted to separate art from the artist, but that’s a difficult thing to do in a situation like this when the artist is still actively being hateful. We heard those who feel the series and story are bigger than JK and belong to the community, and we still recognize the love and safety this series gave and continues to give. But we can't ignore that the story came from her and by reacting to them we would be, in some ways, supporting her.

We apologize that it took so long for us to come to this decision, we’ve been tied up with other things and also wanted to make sure we gave it enough thought and talked it through. We know there's no answer that won't disappoint people, but we chose what we felt would cause the least amount of hurt or exclusion.

Since this is an open discussion and the decision was not made without you, we wanted to give you the chance to share more of your thoughts if you have any. We've also made it open to seeing the responses (anonymously of course) after submission. Here’s the link: https://forms.gle/4SitRq9pHgSNBjeL7

Thank you all again! We hope you continue to enjoy our content and continue being our amazing friends!

~E & I 💜



Teyon Alexander

No worries. There are more things out there for us to enjoy together.