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The end with Tess??? Oh my God???

This was supposed to go out hourssss ago 😶😬 Sorry

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D4zwKoWKJUdiWMivpF7T_NEjeY4MEV0H/view



Teyon Alexander

Great reaction!!👄 I would probably try to survive but end up dying. I’m not nearly ruthless enough. Humans would kill me and take my stuff. Lol If you get the chance you should check out how cordyceps affect ants. Basically they take control of (and eventually replace with fungus) the muscles. Leaving the brain completely uninflected. So the ant is aware of what’s going on just unable to do anything about it. The fungus is also apparently smart enough to know when, where and how to let the ant die so it can spread to other ants. It’s pretty freaky to think of humans going through that. Thanks again for the reaction!


Great episode, maybe the day should be called The Last Wednesday? Sounds cool idk lol

Michael Kang-Beats

I don't think Tess let it happen. I think the infected was already controlling her partially.