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Holy Jesus Christ this one was stressfullll

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KQNJGJu0Dlhz95voR2hdH-i00FytNHS7/view



Teyon Alexander

Great reaction! So I read the comics years before the show hit so I wasn’t stressed. Lol. Answers do come but with some more questions next Episode. A lot more blood and guts so be prepared. 👀 Oh! and yes, The Immortal was Abe Lincoln. That was one of his many, many lives. As for Mark's "secret identity" - his dad is the most famous superhero on the planet. Doesn't wear a mask. Doesn't even wear fake eyeglasses. Who is Mark hiding from that isn't already after his dad? I think the "secret identity" is an ego thing for Mark. It's clearly not needed and just complicated his life for nothing. Amber was still wrong not to confront him sooner. They both were I guess. Lastly, Robot is human. He was just deformed. Poor little guy.

Courtney Lovett

God I have so many thoughts about the Amber storyline, and it's not what these stupid internet assholes were saying. I'm so glad I wasn't on Twitter when this aired because I would have lost my mind as a Black woman seeing what these people were saying about a fictional character. I'll talk about that next episode. I'll just say this: - Mark and Amber, while cute, should not be together, at least not right now. - Mark is just learning how to navigate the superhero life on top of his life as a teenager. - they are both teenagers who are not emotionally mature enough to handle a situation like this. Mark needed to come up with better excuses if he wasn't going to tell her, but again he's a teenager and not the best at this yet. Amber is not emotionally equipped to handle being the human partner of a superhero. Yes, she's intelligent and emotionally mature, but this is a whole other ball game that requires A LOT of emotional and mental fortitude knowing the one you love is putting their life on the line every day to save lives. - It's unfair for people to compare them to Nolan and Debby, who are ADULTS, who have been married for years and have figured out this balance, and even they have issues. - Amber should have told him - the scene when she told him off last episode after the attack didn't make sense, and I'm calling out the writers here for a) creating drama for drama's sake or b) wanting to subvert expectations and not realizing it doesn't follow the logic. - Mark is obsessed with the idea/mythology of being a superhero. As Teyon said above, this whole "secret identity" does not matter in this world. Barely anyone covers their faces; their identities are out there - the Guardians, Eve, Mark's own father! And its not much of a secret since it took William all of five seconds up close to recognize Mark, like cmon, ppl using the secret identity as a justification for Mark's behavior is so ridiculous. Not to mention, who in their right mind would go after Mark or anyone he cares about, knowing he is the son of this world's Superman? Yeah, we as the audience know Nolan wouldn't bother, but the public believes he's a noble hero who stands up for everyone, esp his family. The bottom line, they could be great, but they need to grow and, in my opinion, separately.

