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Oh Wednesday. We know this isn't what you really want

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10KTRt7nFdXWGu19OHs23LViNpDEWkVAx/view



Jaylon Johnson

Ishara💕and yea we was waiting on this lol.

Teyon Alexander

Great reaction! I have always held the thought that it was Dr. Frankenstein that was the true villain of that story. I have since amended my thinking to actually include the monster. As much as I sympathized with the monster’s plight, I couldn’t really excuse the murders he committed in rage. Truth to tell most of the people in the book are pretty crappy as I recall - the overall tone of negligence, hubris, naivety and abandonment seeps off of the majority of main characters. Or at least that’s my take but I haven’t read the book since jr. high. 🏠🏡

Enya and Ishara

Great analysis, we have come to the same conclusions. My high school English class spent nearly the entire discussion of the book blaming everything on Frankenstein and I admit there's blame to be had but it frustrated me that no one wanted to put blame on the monster as well, even if he was a more sympathetic character, but my sympathy was pretty much extended to my limit after all of the forgiving my classmates did. I ended up getting into a few in class debates and wrote a persuasive essay on how the blame for the deaths in the book should, in fact, go on the creature. The discussions and debates ended up being fun and I got an A 😊 - I