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Boy super hero romances are COMPLICATED

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nF_YC0KA3UqDz-oA528pOX7Ef6iekTwR/view



Teyon Alexander

Great reaction! I think you misread the sequid thing. The astronaut from earth was left in mars and a Martian took his place. So that guy on the shuttle is a Martian - they’re all shape shifters. - not a spoiler, just a clarification of what you already saw. Very little in this show happens without a reason, so all I can say is background characters and characters you may think you’ll never see again often come back. Like the bad guy the Immortal three into space, whose corpse is now orbiting the planet, or the garbage bag from episode one showing up later. For breakfast I had four garlic stuffed olives. I then followed it up with a single slice of pizza. Mostly because I realized I forgot to start my dishwasher last night so all my dishes were sitting in the machine waiting to be cleaned. 🧠