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The shame is, in fact, gone!

Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rp3hejbukAsl-lcU4kbKDjgmUyLaXQ8z/view



Jay Darnell

one of my favorite shows ever. i love dysfunctional families in media because they tend to get to very complex roots regarding affection and loyalty to those close to you.

Jay Darnell

22:28 “why he brown?” something the viewers wondered for ages. 😭it’s extremely rare but still possible. like Sandra Laing.

Dez H

I don't remember what "Steve" did exactly. But I think it was lies on top of lies, on top of lies. Like literally. For no reason. I think his name wasn't even Steve, and he would just disappear randomly. Also, I think he was actually born rich, and not a criminal like he said. Or maybe he worked for a crime boss? Either way, this dude was a con artist of the highest caliber.

Teyon Alexander

🧻 was I could find that dries things. I watched the show for a little bit- maybe three seasons. Then I kind of just dropped off. I don’t think I had a favorite to be honest.

Dana (Dah-Nah)

somehow they look even dirtier in this pilot 😭

Camilla L

Please continue reacting to this 🥺🥺

Ash Lee Can

Oh, Shameless. My favorite dysfunctional, ratchet white family from the Southside of Chicago lol. I don't know why I stopped watching. Probably got busy with life stuff. I got to season 6 I think though. My older cousin and I used to bond over shows we watched separately (I live in Va and she lives in NY) and this was one of our faves together. She used to call me "Lip" and I called her "Fiona". Although these hot mess characters are entertaining and there's a rawness to the series, I will admit that the constant chaos, dysfunction, and poor decisions can feel repetitive and frustrating in a sense (every Gallagher has pissed me off on multiple occasions), so I can understand why some would end up emotionally checking out and stopping the show (probably partially why I never got back in it after all of these years). It's a great series though...