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Although we've come... To the end of the road...

Thank you for everyone who joined us on our Twilight journey... we're happy to be done though haha

Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ILkBvIZcfjMyjyrdCvNnHv5yXVnGZsW8/view

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Eclair W

You're giving Hidi a run for her money with this one.

Enya and Ishara

We wanna thank you for gifting us with this information! We love learning about the characters despite not wanting to read the books so this was really appreciated! - I

Courtney Lovett

I love this running joke of Jacob and Rose being this girl's actual parents XD Jfc you're so right. Harry Potter was the only one that made sense for the final book to be split into two films. I found them both equally good for very different reasons, but everything else ESP Twilight had no business being two parts. As far as the vampire powers - so I haven't read the books, and someone can correct me if my theory is wrong. I think that a vampire's power come from either a trauma or personality trait while they were human. - Bella is shy (I guess) - "shielding" herself from others around her. - Jane (Dakota Fanning) according to an online wiki was accused of being a witch and burned at the stake, and (i think) saved by Aro before the fire completely consumed her. Apparently her mind tricks inflict physical pain on others akin to the feelings of being burned. - Alice I know a little about her backstory but not enough to link her "seer" abilities to her time at psychiatric facility before she was turned. - Edward, Jasper, Kate, Benjamin, Zafrina, Alec, Aro, Victoria, etc - I have no idea I'm probably reading too much into it and doing the author's work for her. She could have just put them in because they sound and look cool, with no actual explanation. Who knows...

Ash Lee Can

Thank you for the shout out ladies! I had meant to go back and do so more info dumping before y'all watched the last movie but you, ADHD lol. The INFP in me is happy to oblige lol. And you're right, everyone's stories are FAR more interesting than that main 3, especially Edward and Bella, so buckle up, because it's gonna be a long post... One of the things I had meant to mention about Leah in the last movie was that when she, Seth, & Jacob were protecting the Cullens, Leah was getting very homesick. She had made the impulsive decision to leave Sam's pack to protect her little brother and escape her ex. But then, there was someone she left behind. In Breaking Darlwn Part 1, you see Esme, aka Mama Cullen, giving the Wolf Trio wrapped sandwiches to eat (yes, they were wrapped sandwiches, not raw meat, that Esme carefully made and tried to make sure to touch the food as little possible because she knows the wolves get physically nauseous by the vampires' sickly, sweet scents and wanted to make sure her new wolf babies were taken care of), Leah rejects the food. Jacob later calls out Leah about her not really wanting to be there and her coldness towards the Cullens and wants her to leave. In the book, both Jacob and Seth often hang out and eating in the Cullens home, while Leah stays outside on guard. One of the many things Leah confessed is that she missed her mom. She had already lost her dad (who's death basically trigger her unusual transformation) and now that she was looking after her brother and left the pack, she couldn't just go home and see her mom whenever she wanted to. So, here's Esme being ever so motherly and nurturing, she constantly reminding Leah of her own mother and a constant reminder that she may never see her mom again, so she tries hard to reject her because Esme's presence is very painful for her. Another notch in the depression belt for Leah. Jacob did make her his second in command over Seth, so that something, I guess lol. When I say Leah gets the shit end of the stick in the story, I wasn't kidding. So, in the movie's "vision battle", when Esme is falling through the split earth and Leah sacrifices herself to save her, it wasn't just showing growth that Leah goes from simply hating vampires to saving Mama Cullen. It was Leah sacrificing her life to save the woman who reminded her of her own mother and tried to take care of her when she couldn't have her mother by her side. Unfortunately, whoever wrote the scripts left out that big part (many parts) of the conversation and it makes that sacrifice scene seem less significant to those who've never read the books. The movies have a habit of doing that lol... Now, I'll move on to some Cullen backstories, starting with Rosalie because I know that's what you guys want lol. First, Rosalie & Jasper (confederate vamp) don't go by the last name Cullen, but Hale, which is Rosalie's actual last name. To make their family dynamic less weird to the humans, I guess, Rosalie & Jasper actually pose as twins that were adopted by the Cullens, so they share the last name Hale instead of Cullen... Now, when Rosalie was a human she lived through The Great Depression. She was lucky, due to her family, to keep their wealth through it all. Rosalie was beautiful, shallow, vain, ect. The ladies envied her and the guys all wanted her. The Cullens lived in the area and despite THEIR own beauty, she didn't hate on it, but continued to simply embrace her own. She meets this big this great, wealthy bachelor, Royce, and they immediately start dating and get engaged. He was everything Rosalie thought she wanted. That was, until Rosalie visited her best friend one day. You see, Rosalie, despite having all of these people fawn over her, was secretly jealous of her best friend, Vera. When they were 17, Vera married a young, lower class man. Despite his status and Vera was happily in love, something Rosalie wanted and envied to the point she stop visiting her friend. After she got engaged, Rosalie thought she was happy enough to finally be content on seeing her friend again without jealousy. That was until she saw the real love they had and realized her relationship with Royce was purely superficial. Vera also had a baby boy, beautiful dark, curly-haired with dimples. The jealousy reared it ugly head once again, Rosalie realizing how much she wanted what her best friend had: love. Afterwards, on her way home, she runs into her drunk fiance and his friends, and well, you know... When Rosalie woke up as a vampire, despite her beauty being even more incredibly advanced to most vampires(her extreme beauty is her personal vampiric "gift"), she was devastated that she was no longer human. Also, part of the reason Carlisle changed Rosalie was because he had hoped that she could be a mate for Edward (it was simply Carlise, Esme, & Edward in the family at the time and even back then, Edward was all emo-vamp). Edward was pissed at Carlisle and rejected the idea of being with Rosalie romantically. Carlisle had hoped that Edward would find happiness with Rosalie they Carlisle found happiness with Esme. Although Rosalie wasn't into Edward at all, the mere fact that he straight up rejected her offended her because who the hell did he think he was rejecting Rosalie Hale, right? In fact, Rosalie even confesses to Bella that she initially disliked her because Edward rejected her all of those years ago, but was going koo-koo for cocoapuffs over a basic like Bella Swan (then of course the dislike became about Bella basically rejecting her human life, something Rosalie would kill to have, in order to carelessly become a vampire, the thing Rosalie hates about herself). A couple years later, after Rosalie haunted, tortured, and murdered her fiance and his friends, and officially joined the Cullen family afterwards, she finds this this young lumberjack mauled by a bear. Despite the brutal mauling, Rosalie saw the dark, curly hair, innocent face, and adorable dimples in his cheeks, reminding her of her best friend's baby boy. Knowing she didn't have the self control to turn him herself, she carried him for 100 miles to force Carlisle to turn him in an angry, "You made me a vampire and now I'm miserable for eternity, therefore, you OWE me this bit of potential happiness". Feeling guilty at his new daughter's internal suffering, Carlisle turned Emmett at Rosalie's request. This was also the first time Carlisle tried to use some sort of painkiller to help ease the pain when turning someone, but the venom burned it off and Emmet was forced to go through the transformation in scorching agony like the rest. This is why they try to use morphine on Bella in hopes that it would help with the pain. Letting did they realize that, no, it did not help. All it did was make Bella very still and unable to move, but she felt every bit of the agonizing venom in her transformation. That's why Edward thought she was dead. So basically, Bella was just stuck sitting there, unable to move or scream out, as she died with the venom horrifically taking over her body. Rosalie told all of this to Bella in Eclipse when they had this conversation in the books. Why the movie left out the part about Rosalie's best friend and her baby, I'll never understand because it was important to Rosalie and Bella's relation in Breaking Dawn. On the way back from the honeymoon and Bella realized that she wasn't going to have support from Edward about keeping the baby, so she calls someone for backup and support. That's why instead of calling her best friend, Alice (Bella has 3 best friends: Jacob, Alice, & Angela, the human friend with the glasses), the one she was writing endless blocked emails to dyring her depression in New Moon, she calls Rosalie of all people. She remembered that conversation they had and knew Rosalie would protect her and her baby from everyone else and support her, even if she didn't really like her. Sure enough, when the Cullens meet Bella and Edward at the airport, Rosalie immediately protects Bella from the rest. Now you know why Rosalie is obsessed with Renesmee. She's the baby she never got to have. Now, going back to Leah and the conversation she had with Jacob for a bit. Jacob and Rosalie did NOT like each other. It got to the point that Jacob kept trying make a game of telling her dumb blonde jokes to piss her off, but it wouldn't work because she'd lived so long that she basically heard them all, so Jacob would try to find one she didn't know. Rosalie would hit him with some dog jokes though. One of the funniest moments to me was when Jacob was chilling in the living 4oom with everyone else and of course the two of them are verbally sparing. Esme stops it and makes Rosalie fix Jacob a plate of breakfast food she made for the wolf babies earlier. Roslaie, annoyed, goes into tge kitchen, Edward, knowing what's about to happen, tries not to laugh while Jacob think Rosalie is gonna poison him. Some loud metal bending and scrapping comes from the kitchen and Rosalie returns with his food. She basically took a large metal bowl, bent it into the shape of a dog bowl, dumped all of his food into the bowl, and carved "Fido" on the side of the bowl lmfao. As she leaves the bowl for Jacob, he takes and bite, takes the bowl, frisbees that shit hard to the back of Rosalie's head in front of everyone (Emmett, of course, laughed his ass off). She was heated that he got all sorts of eggs and shit all in her hair. Anyways, when Leah spoke to Jacob and he mentioned not understanding Rosalie's devotion to Bella' and her unborn baby, Leah gave him some insight from her OWN personal experience. Leah tell Jacob that because the wolves stop physically aging, since becoming a wolf, Leah hasn't had a menstrual cycle. So, becoming a wolf has been a burden on the fact that Leah may not be able to have children as long as she's a wolf. Now, one of the theories the tribe has about why the wolves imprint is to keep the genetic line going. If Leah can't have children, then that just seems like another strike in the column that Leah being a wolf was an "accident" in their eyes. Considering she ends up not imprinting on someone at all doesn't help. So, explaining this to Jacob, Leah tells him that she actually understands where Rosalie is coming from where she not only HATE what she is, but her opportunity for happiness and children were taken away from her because of it. Aaaaand another cart on the Leah's Life is Ass train... Random Fun Fact #1: Rosalie is the mechanic of the family. Her hobby, outside of decorating, shopping, and looking at herself in the mirror, is tricking out and fixing cars. Her mechanical skills are better than everyone else in her family. She does music too, I think, but Edward's the main family musician. So, both of Renesmee "parents" are mechanics lol... Next Up: Carlise. He was a supernatural hunting pastor in the 1600s London. His father and other pastors would hunt werewolves, vampires, & others they believed to be unnatural creatures. Most of time, they'd end up killing innocent people (think of the Salem Witch Trials and the Christian crusade that resulted in those unfortunate events). Carlisle took over the group when his father got old. He didn't like the killing, but being smarter than most, he ended finding real vampires in the sewers. He gets attacked and ends up becoming a vamp. He knew he couldn't reveal himself as his father literally kill him. He tried to kill himself multiple times, in different ways, because of what he was. He stayed in the woods feeding off of animals. He's the only one in the family that hasn't drank human blood whatsoever, preferring to take the more humane to hurt and drink wild animals opposed to humans. Compassion is Carlisle's specific vampiric "gift". He found new meaning to his life and became a doctor. After a few centuries, he met the Volturi. They were fascinated by his aversion to eat humans. Being more sophisticated than most vampires, Carlisle loved with them for a few decades. They tried to convert him to drink human blood, but he wouldn't budge and eventually left for America. As a doctor, he once treated a 16 year old girl with a broken leg and felt a connection to her (I'll come back to this). A few years later, during the Spanish Influenza Epidemic, a woman and her 17 year old son are dying from the illness. The dying mom begged Carlisle to do whatever he could to save her son as she died. Although Carlisle had found meaning in his vampiric life, he was very lonely. He didn't want to turn anyone and curse them with what he believed his a cursed with, but knowing the boy was going to be alone if he survived the illness, and Carlisle wanting a companion, he turned the boy and that's how Edward was turned into a vampire. Years later, in another town, Carlisle working at the hospital, recognizes the scent of blood that seemed familiar, and finds a woman lying "dead" in the morgue. Not only did realize that the woman wasn't actually dead but barely clinging onto life, it was the same girl he treated all of those years ago with the broken leg he felt connected to. He turned her and thus his wife, Esme, was reborn. Now Esme's story is a painful one. She grew up as a fun, playfully troublemaking kid with a happy childhood. She broke her leg falling out a tree when she was 16. She never forgot the beautiful, kind doctor who treated her. When she became an adult, she wanted to go to school to be a teacher but her parents wanted her to settledown with marriage. She eventually married some man, but soon realized he was an abusive asshole. She wanted to leave but her parents urged her to stay and quiet about the abuse. He eventually got drafted into WWI, and for sometime, Esme had a sense of peace from the constant abuse. That was, until he returned afyer the war. She got pregnant soon after and in order to protect her unborn baby, she ran away. Her husband did find her but she was able to escape again. She posed as a widow from the war and became a school teacher like she always to. She eventually had her baby boy, but despite everything she fought so hard for, her son died a few days after he was born. Out of depression, Esme attempted suicide by jumping off a cliff. She regained consciousness and recognized the beautiful, kind doctor from when she was 16 standing over her, and despite practically being mangled and almost dead, she was happy to see him. She became a vampire and surprising both Carlisle and Edward, she wasn't upset with Carlisle's choice to save her and accepted her life. Her vampiric gift to love passionately allowed her to later take on the role of the matriach of the family, loving her vampire children completely. Now, onto Alice, who possibly has the most interesting backstory of the Cullen family. Alice was a happy go-lucky child. She also had visions even as a human, since childhood. Although she didn't really talk about it, everyone kinda knew about it. Eventually, she would try to warn loved one of bad things and when they wouldn't listen, it'd come true. At one point, her cousin had died. People started classifying her as a witch, which history shows that rarely ends well. They believe she may have been cursing people. Alice ends up having a vision of her mother being murdered. Her mother believed her but her father didn't. After time passed, and nothing happened, her mother puts her guard down, gets caught lacking, and gets murdered. Her father had it ruled an accident and silenced his daughter. A few months later, her father remarried, granting Alice an evil stepmother (she loved Alice's younger sister but hated Alice). Alice suspected that it wasn't coincidental about her mother's death and the remarriage. Her father wasn't happy about the suggestion that his new wife was evil. Alice ends up getting a vision of both her father and stepmother trying to kill her. She tried to go to other family for safety, but they still blamed her for their child's death. She tried to go to the police but her father beat her to it, already told everyone and the police she was "crazy", and had her committed to an asylum. While committed, her head was shaved and she endured electroshock treatments, which left her with amnesia. Having no memory, she was back to her natural happy go-lucky personality. There was an employee in the asylum who looked after Alice and became friends. He knew of her gift of sight and would test her on it. He tried to keep those harmful "treatments" to a minimum to protect her. This employee was a vampire. One day, Alice had a vision of another vampire coming to kill her. He had caught her faint scent and now was after her. When her vampire friend found out, he tried to run away with her to keep her safe, but no matter the choices they decided, the vision would all end with Alice dead. Asylum Vampire decided to change Alice himself to save her from being killed by the other vamp, Alice knew it would cutting it close. Asylum Vamp bit Alice and then went off to fight off the other vamp to buy Alice some time, sacrificing himself in the process. When tracker vamp finally caught her, but she had already began transforming, curious to see what kind of monster she would be years to come and that excited him more than just killing her right there, and left her be. When Alice's transformation completely, the venom ended up erasing the memories of her human life like the shock treatments did. And now as a human, her visions were now even more strong and intense than it was as a human, and the first vision she got when she woke up was of Jasper and them living happily with the Cullen family. She began teaching herself the "vegetarian" lifestyle that she saw herself living. A couple of decades after she was turned, she sat at a diner one night, just waiting. Sure enough, Jasper walked in and the instant connection formed. Jasper took on the Hale last name, which Alice took on Cullen to not confuse the humans on why they smashing each other if they're family. Remember that tracker vampire that was hellbent on killing her before she turned? That vampire was none other than James, the very same vampire that tracked down Bella to kill her in the first movie/book. Before Bella, Alice was the ONLY human to ever escape James grasp (Victoria too, kinda?). Tge reason James was obsessed with getting her was because she was After the Cullens left Forks after the birthday party from hell, Alice did go and look up answers to her human life. She even found her own grave, which had the same date that she was committed into the asylum (from her records she stole from the asylum archives). She never did find out about her monstrous father. Random Fun Fact #2: Out of all of the siblings, Edward & Alice are the closest. With the type of gifts they have. They like to play chess games with each other because with their respective gifts, they find it difficult to beat each other and can never actually finish. Edward did find her annoying sometimes and he did manipulate her at least once. He bribed her with getting her the yellow porche she had stolen in New Moon when her and Bella were in Italy. He knew she loved the car and told her he would get it for her of ahe spied on Bella and alerted him of she had a "vision" of her going to see Jacob. That's why when Bella tries to go see Jacob in the beginning of Eclipse, Edward was quick to stop her. Alice does manipulate back. After Bella accepting Edward's engagement at the end of Eclipse, Bella tells Edward she wants to go elope. They hop in the car and drive off to go secretly elope (I think they were headed to Vegas) until they get a phone call of Alice crying and upset that she wasn't invited, and that she wasn't offered to do their wedding (she saw them eloping in a vision). Bella caves in and allows Alice to do their whole wedding. Not much to say about Emmett Cullen. He was a cute, kinda thotty, lumberjack party boy who came from a big loving family when he was human. Got mauled by a bear in the mountains one day. He saw Rosalie and thought she was an angel that brought him to God (Carlisle). He did struggle killing several human over the years, two significant ones that another discussion though. Overall, he doesn't really resent his vampiric life like the others. Random "Fun" Fact #3: Remember when Edward made a comment to Bella about how it took over a decade for the rest of the Cullen to be within 5 miles of Rosalie & Emmett? Well, he wasn't lying lol. Apparently, they had a very robust sex life. They've had to build SEVERAL homes like Edward & Bella's away from the rest for then two, and they seemed to had literally brought down the houses on several occasions due to their rigorous rumps. That's why Emmett made the joke about the morning after Edward and Bella christened their house. You already got Jasper's story. Confederate soldier turned by a manipulative vampire that used him to construct one of the strongest vampire army at the time. He struggles with human blood due to his ruthless, vampiric upbringing which madeHe's also an empath, meaning he can feel anyone's emotions, but also control others' emotions as well, which served well in his creator's army. Oh, I actually just remembered something. It played out differently in the book, which I haven't read in like 10 years, than the movie that I actually misremembered something. So, remember in New Moon where Harry Clearwater has a heart attack? Ready for some more Leah trauma? It actually didn't play out like it did in the movie where he got snatched up by Victoria and Jacob intercepted. He was actually at home. This was of course, during the time Sam had already been engaged with her cousin Emily. So, Leah is in her bitter rage mode with crazy mood swings. One day, she ends up getting one of her mood swings so bad in front of her parents and little brother that it ended up triggering her to phase into a wolf for the first time. Now, her parents always suspected that Seth would be the next one to turn soon due to his family lineage, but they never suspect Leah because there had never been a female wolf before. Her father was so shocked and scared by her transformation that it literally caused him to have a heart attack. So, instead of like the movie where her father's heart attack triggered her to becoming her wolf, her reasonable bitterness cause her to triggered her to becoming a wolf and it cause her father a heart attack. On top of all of that, Leah's phasing and father's heart attack happened in front of both her mother and brother, and it immediate triggered her own little brother's phasing. Another entry into The Book of Leah's Pain & Suffering... My phone's about to die, so I'll just post this for now. I know I missed stuff. I'll make a comment under my own comment with more info and backstories. If there's anything in particular y'all want to know let me know, because there's a lot. Narrowing things down would help lol...