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Back with another movie mondayyyyy

There were some iffy parts but overall not too too bad for a twilight movie

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19psMz_Bf_mEVevE0eMMCFZ8dbwfEcH53/view



Eclair W

I love how that no matter who I watch react to this movie every single person likes Charlie.

Ash Lee Can

Okay, I'll try to answer some of y'all questions since I've read the books lol... So, I'll give a backstory on The Wolves, since the movies decided to just like, not do it lol. First, The Wolves are indeed all telepathically connected. When in wolf form, they constantly have each others' thoughts in their head. So, when Jacob turns wolf after seeing pregnant Bella for the first time, he wasn't purposely telling the other wolves what was happening, he was simply mentally processing everything that happened. It just so happened that all of the wolves can see everything going through his mind. That's why Jacob and Leah had a brief moment where they had a sense of peace, talking about how quiet it was, and how their deciding to leave Sam's pack severed their mental link to them (and vice versa), and only Jacob's pack could hear each other now (3 people in each other's head is a lot better than 8, even if two of the three are constantly little angry puppies lol). Their bodies also run hot, so that's why they're half-naked all the time lol. They also don't age, as long as they keep phasing into their wolf constantly, so they can live for a very long time. Sam is the pack leader and the oldest. He was the first of the new pack to shift. There hadn't been Wolves in the tribe for a few generations, not since the Cullens were first living there. When they returned, it began the triggers. Sam was the first and for about a year, he's alone. The tribe elders (Billy Black/Jacob's Dad, Harry Clearwater/Leah & Seth's Dad, and a few others) help Sam deal with his change and explain his new responsibilities to the tribe. Then Paul & Jared, two of the other wolves we met back in New Moon, and later with Jacob's friend Embry. Sam, being the first, became the pack leader. Before Sam became a wolf, he was engaged to his high school sweetheart Leah Clearwater (wolfgirl), Harry Clearwater's daughter. When Sam became a wolf, he broke up with Leah without a real explanation, struggling with his wolf and wanting to protect her, isolated himself, throwing himself into his wolf duties. Leah was brokenhearted and Sam was pretty depressed. Fast forward a little, Leah's cousin Emily visits and Sam ends up imprinting. Despite being imprinted on and feeling an intense connection to Sam because of it, she initially rejected him because dude is literally her cousin's ex. Sam gets super depressed dude to his imprint rejecting him and not being able to be around her. Long story less long, Emily eventually caves, ends up with Sam, and gets engaged. Leah goes from brokenhearted to devastated. Now with Leah (wolfgirl), she probably gets the shit end of the stick of the Twilight book series imo. She turned after her dad got yoked up by Victoria in New Moon, had a heart attack, and died, while Bella uncoordinated seld decided to jump off and cliff and unsurprisingly ended up drowning. So when Harry died, the pain and anger triggered both Leah and her little brother Seth. The problem is, there had never been a female wolf in the history of their tribe before Leah. So, not only is Leah a wolf, which she hates, she now has to go around with tribal elders, pack members, and herself wondering if she's sort of an accident/anomaly. The worst part is that even though Leah understood now what happened with Sam and their breakup, but now constantly stuck around being around her ex and even now forced to take his orders. Leah is now rage-girl all of the time, the pack constantly has to hear her raging thoughts, Sam feels guilty about Leah's suffering, and the rest of the pack bitches at her for being angry all of the time. The only thing Leah like about being a wolf is the fact that she's the fastest of all of them and likes to race. There's other stuff, but my ADHD already wrote a whole essay lol... I was going to try to explain imprinting and the whole Rosalie's baby obsession (because the dumbass movies tend to leave out important details in previous movies that explain things in future movies and left out an important detail when Rosalie explained her backstory in Eclipse). Then I realized that y'all probably don't actually care about these explanations or the storylines lol...

Enya and Ishara

Listen Ash, we sat here and read your entire comment very intrigued and we're happy to hear more! Consider me a Leah stan now!!!! I wish the movies went deeper into this stuff, it's very fascinating! - I