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Don't think Joe understood the assignment....

Head's up, this was at the time that we were having some technical issues so the audio is pretty wonky, think the video is fine but let us know if there's any issues. The audio is only messed up for about four minutes around the 14 minute mark, where we had to splice it with the camera audio. Sorry about that, hope you enjoy anyway!

*Also* we're changing up our post schedule a little bit. We will start posting YOU on Fridays and something else will be posted on Wednesdays... any guesses what?? 😉 That also means you'll be getting two You episodes this week!

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1at9hdKDMo5VVZHKBElsl_Y-s-7htavC2/view



Teyon Alexander

🧁 Fun reaction. Gonna miss Teen Wolf Tuesdays but You...Yuesdays...Tousdays....nope. Well, more You is good too.

Dana (Dah-Nah)

kinda wish you guys had a way to pause while you talk sometimes because the way my brain is trying to split in two so I can pay attention to what you're missing in the dialogue vs listen to what you're saying 😭

Dana (Dah-Nah)

video is a little out of sync around 45 mins btw (but only a little)