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Of course you guys are getting this before Christmas but we hope you enjoy the Enya and Ishara Holiday Special!!

The bestie and family tiers gets this gift first but soon we'll give access to this for more tiers ❤️💚❤️💚 Edit: We're now making this available for the FRIEND tier and the NEIGHBOR tier! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Friends, enjoy early access to the Guardians Holiday special!

Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17_FItZ-OLCA3PfwgtpGZ_qru_qZKxrIY/view



Teyon Alexander

Great reaction! I love the outfits, love the backdrop, love it all! Did you catch an alchie Mark Hammil just drinkin' from the bottle full frame ?Apparently, that was really Bucky's arm, not a copy. Wonder what that means for his future appearances. Also, Groot has me looking at Drax like, "Dude, do you even lift?" lol. The nod to the Star Wars Christmas Special and its animated bits, was cute. In the trailer for the new movie, Drax is carrying Peter. I kind of think he may bite the bullet, kick the bucket, go home, expire, breathe his last breath, check out, took that cruise to the big Celestial head in the sky. Died. I'm saying I think he died. I'm guessing Nebula popped over to earth, met up with Sam, told him what she wanted. Sam was like, "I got an idea!" and then drugged good ol' Bucky and helped Nebula get his arm off. HOWEVER! Just as they were unlocking the final lock on his arm, one of the other Avengers shows up and they have to do a whole "Weekend at Bernie's" bit, with Nebula waving Bucky's arm and Sam desperately trying to make it look like it's still connected to his body. Having fooled the unsuspecting Avenger, Nebula thanks Sam and then flies off back to Knowhere. 🎄❄️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ENYA!!! WOOT! You two are the best. Cheered me right up.

Teyon Alexander


Kenneth Munson

I don't think that's Becky's wakandan arm. Maybe it's the original one tony stark shot off in Civil War. Tony would have kept it, so maybe it was recovered in the ruins of avengers headquarters after endgame. Either it was recovered by nebula or someone else did and she got it on the black market. Just a theory.

Enya and Ishara

I didn't catch Mark Hammil! Thats so cool lool. I hope they explain how she managed to get Buckys arm. I like your guess though lol. Thank you for the birthday wish! I hope your birthday was great! -E

Teyon Alexander

It wasn’t a good one. Everyone forgot. Even my mom sent me a text at midnight the following morning. Other bad things happened too but I’ll live. Lol thank you though