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This def wasn't as bad as we thought it would be 😂😂 the Quicksilver scene still goes off! (PS this poster goes harrrdd)


Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RPCG9a8dZjbrbPXxaVYV-FnbPCkQkEEV/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sdhliokej9qh61j/X%20Apocalypse%20Uncut.mp4



Teyon Alexander

Olivia Munn , who plays Psylocke, was dealing with trying to legitimize her acting skills, as gamers and comic book fans knew her only as the host of a slightly comedic game related TV show, where she was often put in situations that made light of her being a woman. So it's understandable she wanted a role with a bit more meat on it...sadly this was not that role. Ally Sheedy, from the film, "the Breakfast Club", was Scott's teacher at the start of the movie. I actually met her randomly when I worked at Barnes and Noble (her and Sarah Michelle Gellar/Freddie Prinze Jr, Robin Williams and Whoopie Goldberg). Rebecca Romijn Stamos was also never really clothed when she was blue in those films. Not that I'm complaining but...had to be weird for her. What's weird for me is that Havok is Scott's younger bros in the comics and didn't join the X-Men until long after his bro. Fox just changed things to change things lol. Great reaction as always! and look! I didn't write all this into an emoji this time. :D

Enya and Ishara

Everything you said makes a lot of sense, hopefully she found roles after that worked well for her. She looked plenty badass! Also wow you met a lot of people at that B&N, clearly I gotta work there! But hmm, I wonder why they changed it. Maybe just cause they wanted to feature havock but they already had scott in the earlier movies so they just kinda threw him in the prequels. Idk though 🤷🏾‍♀️ -I

Teyon Alexander

You're probably right about why they had Havok in First Class. It's a shame though, that they focused so much on Mystique. Scott and Havok losing their parents is kind of a huge deal that I don't think even got addressed. It's another reason I didn't care for Fox's X-men. They would focus on interesting characters but never address the things that made them interesting. Like Mystique's entire arc in the First Class films is dealing with her unrequited love for Charles and she's so much more than that. First Class would have been a good time to explore her origins since they focused so much on her but they really didn't even try. I mean, she was born in the 1800s but they dropped that like a bad habit. Ah well. Stay awesome!