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This was so good! But also so sadd...


Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1doaEsRsk6e8ylF0Q-SxYq-46w9tG9QTg/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lf4jnfbj87qgzwn/A%20Quiet%20Place%20Uncut.mp4



Teyon Alexander

So I love and hate this movie because the characters are selfish and just irresponsible. More so once you see the sequel. Anyway, the kid at the start of the film who got eaten, dude was old enough to understand his situation and develop fear of it. It makes no sense why he’d not react negatively to the noise or even just not risk it to begin with. They had a whole town with pharmacy but somehow there’s not one contraceptive? I’m the entire town…is it modern day Texas? The daughter - pain in the ass! I’m not a violent person and I don’t condone hitting children but omg I’d smack that kid. There’s a lot wrong with this film but for a jump scare fest it’s a good choice. Also for real for real - there are other forms of intercourse they could have engaged in that didn’t require penetration and wouldn’t have risked lives. Movie grates me. Props to John for writing directing and starring through.

Teyon Alexander

Great reaction though. I probably should have led with that lol. Also if you ever get the chance, watch the Pitch meeting for the movie. Hilarious.

Enya and Ishara

lmaoo I guess the characters being heavily flawed is what makes them human. For the baby part, I feel like they probably did use a condom and maybe it broke. (some/most) humans like and crave sex too much to just not do it, especially when you have a partner right there. I doubt they had any intention of having a kid lol. But it is very annoying because what do you even do now? I like how flawed they are because we can yell at them and argue all we want from the outside perspective, but who knows how we'd act in these situations? Covid showed us people are hella dumb and selfish so it's realistic 😂 They def should've had that kid walking in front of them though. one parent in the back and one in the front. -E

Teyon Alexander

Lol :) true true. Also I didn’t realize how passionate I was about this film. Looking forward to being passionate about your short film! (She’s making a short film for those that don’t know. Please donate towards it!)