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Back with Teen Wolf! Everyone excited to be in season 2? Fair warning, we talk A LOT in the beginning of this. Like 12 minutes again, this seems to keep being a thing. Guess we have a lot to talk about. If you wanna watch our pre teen wolf chat, go for it. If not, you should be good around 12 minutes in.

Also, watch us watch the season 2 trailer (which we did a couple months ago)

Trailer Links:

Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T1Mh8F5OPzFhrLgocHpvBueRwQm8aUXo/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dyq6obx26ytqn2w/S2%20Trailer.mp4

Episode Links:

Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1THxDduV_9nW-JYI6Dj-vrsn_j5ZNQnFY/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cjeplrmcrd89sx0/Teen%20Wolf%20201%20Uncut.mp4



leslie martin

"i hope the cgi gets better".. well, it definitely gets better each seasons, but in s2, you probably have the worst cgi scene in the entire show hahaha sorry!! and i agree, i loved that moment with the parent in s1 and knowing more about the characters outside of the chaos of supernatural things

leslie martin

okay but your comments about Lydia being in a horror show is so funny bc now that i look back at all her storylines from the show, she definitely always has some scary/weird/bloody and intense scenes hahaha you'll see more eventually but that's a good prediction for her