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We wanted to come on here and be transparent with you all. As you know and as we've expressed multiple times, we have been extremely busy and tried to stretch ourselves to our absolute limit to give you guys content. But we also have to be realistic about our abilities, and that's why everything has slowed down.

On top of that, there are some personal things going on that would mean that even if we were to record, it wouldn't be with the energy nor the enthusiasm or desire that you all deserve. You guys have been so loyal and amazing in the year that we've had this patreon, and for as long as we've been on YouTube, and we apologize that we cannot provide what we've promised as of late, especially on here being that you've paid for content.

In continuing with the transparency, because of both our personal schedules but also because of our personal lives, it's unclear when we will be back in front of the camera. Anything we have already recorded but not posted on here, which isn't much, we'll try to get to you, but we're humans and we can only push ourselves so far.

We see all of your support and excitement for our content and trust and believe that it means a lot. We're really proud of the community that we've grown here. We also know that money doesn't grow on trees and you are here paying for content and expect to get it, as is your right. With the uncertainty of the future, if you want a refund, feel free to DM us about it and we'll figure it out.

Thank you again for your patience, we care about you and we hope you extend that same amount of care to us in understanding when filming and being in front of the camera is just past our limits in many different ways. All love, E&I


Kenneth Munson

Thank you for the thoughtful message, but I hope you two don't stress about it. While your content is meaningful to us (and to you), other things in life must also take precedence. The work you have already done justifies my continued patronage. I wish you both clarity and peace.

Theo Harris

No worries at all. Take your time, it's been a joy and privilege to support your content. Both of you are creative, talented sisters and I will continue to support you for as long as you do this. All the best.