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"Miguel" is the best


Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N-Ygf6_GXhl_J_UUMW_RttE2N7jP_gkI/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mdxbv8fonmic821/Teen%20Wolf%20109%20Uncut.mp4



leslie martin

i personally never shipped sterek.. i know it's popular but i never saw anything romantic between them.. sure they had like 5 scenes in the show that are kinda cute/funny and you could think they'd be great friends, but the shippers take it was too far and i can't take the fact that stiles is 16 and derek definitely 20+ so like.. i don't know how anyone could see something in them..

Enya and Ishara

Yeah it's funny because most people I talk to say the same thing but like we all know that it was a giant ship all over the Internet when the show was airing - I

Enya and Ishara

I agree with all of this. The time when this was airing, it was a regular thing for people to find a pair that had some funny moments and just blew it out of the water, and then become practically feral about it but caring if it made the actors uncomfortable or anyone. On top of that, what I think was most annoying is that they felt entitled to the ship for them to have romantic or sexual tension written into every episode. I never liked any of those ships, and I've noticed I'm not as confronted by it and I don't know if it's because we're in a different era where that wouldn't fly as well or I'm just not a teenager surrounded by that like I used to be. And like I get it, Enya and I make jokes about so and so being not straight all the time in all the shows we watch and I know it all really just came from a lack of representation, which is a whole other thing (which is when they did get it, it was a big deal and it was even more of a thing like with Blaine and Kurt in glee or Lexa and Clarke in the 100) but when it gets to a point where it affects the experience for other fans and even the actors, it's gone too far - I

leslie martin

yes to all of this! this era was seriously wild. idk how it is today with popular 2020's shows bc i'm not into those fandoms like that but the 100, glee, teen wolf, vampire diaries, pll.. era was crazy for actors and shipping. i remember seeing horror stories about some fandom sending hate to an actor, mostly women, bc they were breaking their fav ship.. and when this happened with ships like sterek or other, that never even exited you're like??? i watched both glee and the 100, and i know klaine and clexa (or even just klaine and brittana) were crazy popular ships, but i feel like younger girls were even more crazier for the mlm ship. i remember people rooting for brittana and clexa, but not as much as they did for klaine. i think i read somewhere that the actors of klaine were kind of uncomfortable about this situation and that's why they weren't really close friends.. idk, i love shipping, i love watching couples in shows being formed, and i also love seeing some videos of a tv show cast being friendly and stuff, but i would never harass some actors about a show?? sometimes people take things too far and forget that they're real people playing those fictional characters. i seriously feel bad for most of them and, in the teen wolf fandom, there's such a big dylan obrien/sterek part that sometimes you really wonder if those fans are here for the entire show or just for some scenes about their faves. (and then they go and criticize the show all the time lol) honestly those shipping disaster are happening to celebrities in general.. if i could have 30 seconds with each one direction gf/ex and apologize to them for all the twisted mess they've been through bc of disturbed fans.. i would seriously take the time to talk to them and tell them it's not their fault lol (i was never into that fandom but seeing it from a far when i was a teen i always thought it was disgusting) and there's so many more examples..