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We literally could not love Yelena more. Also who could have guessed the mom would be shady


Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ADL6npq9e5YOq1v-mWwKgR4wqOewpoG-/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/njh3vv1vxvtzf2c/hawkeye_105_uncut.mp4



Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

The “I have to find Natasha” makes my heart hurt everytime. I can totally imagine Nat saying nearly the same thing to Cap 5 years ago in Wakanda “I have to find my sister” and getting the same result, Gone.

Theo Harris

👑🎳 Great Reaction Ladies! Enya love your hair, the curls are poppin. Great scene with Yelena and Kate Bishop! One of the best in all the Disney + shows. Yelena is being groomed to continue the Black Widow IP, so eventually she will get her own movie. She will have to play around with Val and her formed "evil" Avengers team first (either Dark Avengers or Thunderbolts which ever name they chose). Finally, interesting comic book fact, at one point Kate Bishop dated her teammate and leader of the Young Avengers "Patriot". We have already been introduced to Patriot aka Eli Bradley, grandson of Isiah Bradley in CAWS. Who knows maybe they will explore that thread. Enjoy Spidey No Way Home ! Hearing it is a phenomenal movie🕸️

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

She also has an ongoing flirtation with Speed. But as he is both kind of 10 yrs old and maybe nonexistent right now, we’ll have to see if anything ever comes from that too lol


👑🧷 👑📌 👑🖊 👑🎳 👑🪡 1) great show. 2) great reaction 3) I was not surprised about Elanore but I still loved the reveal/cliffhanger 4) Florence, Alaqua, and Hailee are all awesome. The OGs have left the MCU in very capable hands. Episode 6 should be great. Can’t wait!