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This was a really good one! The ending was crazy....


Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VY-GCpCV8UOUD80tFh-tXrT8pGfuWawB/view

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/69edjhik5ramkkm/What%20if%20S01E04.mp4




🐙🐙🐙 great reaction as always. This is my favorite episode so far but T'Challa star lord is right there with it.

Theo Harris

Great Reaction As Always Ladies! This was my favorite episode with the T'Challa one coming in a close second. Lot of Marvel Comic Easter Eggs that could very well tie into Multiverse of Madness. The Black Sorcerer from the Dr Strange movie is called "Mordo" (Chiwetel Ejiofor). The Book of Cagiliostro that Strange found is important to the Darkhold book that is now in possession of Wanda. The ancient sorcerer Cagiliostro (who has also been called O-Bengh in the past. Biig Easter Egg) is a recurring Strange character in the comics (super powerful). He taught Dr. Doom his magic, was a arch-enemy of Dracula etc. Mordo is a descendant of Cagliostro (another Easter Egg). Shang Chi will be on Disney + 45 days after it opens 🐙


I'm glad they did a sad one. Many of the What If comics had sad endings, some of the best ones.

Kenneth Munson

🐙 can't name a best because they are all so different. Probably ep 1 or 2. Least liked episode 3.


🐙 T’Challa Starlord is my favorite thus far.

Enya and Ishara

Yeah these two I'd say are definitely the best. Curious about if they'll top them. I hope they do! - I

Enya and Ishara

Mordo! Right! Thanks! Oh very cool about the books and Cagiliostro. Thanks for all of the info, it was really interesting and cool about Shang Chi. We still haven't decided what we're doing, but if we watch it on disney plus it'll probably be up here! - I

Enya and Ishara

Yeah I think generally episode 3 is the least favorite. I think it felt more like set up than the other ones, but it had me curious - I