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This one almost took us out. Like forreal

Also, the mic wasn't recording again so we're using camera audio for this! It's not bad or anything, it's just not as good. Sorry in advance!


Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dffs3x8ypo1zvr6/loki_ep_04_full.mp4

Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JXXcKJSfZsSZe-PpZkA2IvnXahGxf6dY/



Ay Papí

Great reaction, thanks for posting, love y’all

Ay Papí

Let’s just assume Möbius is back on Earth and Hunter B-20 is back at the bar drinking margaritas. We will get our happy ending like on The Dark Knight Rises and Inception

Teyon Alexander

So reset= variant tendency deleted and timeline put back on path (I'm guessing ) and pruning must be removal from time line entirely and apparently sent to this world of broken toys. Neat Avengers tower in the background, so it's some destroyed version of earth I guess. Anyway, glad you stuck around for the mid credits scene. Thanks for the reaction!

Enya and Ishara

I like that you're calling it a world of broken toys, and I didn't even notice the tower in the background. Thanks for watching!