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Full, uncut and unedited reaction!! Remember, we have to stop the camera every 30 minutes so there's mini pauses but none of them are long.

Next up is Twilight, which has some weird sound issues that have to be fixed.


Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/on2cts1wfgtswyk/tatb3full.mp4

Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FDWGqwHd57DUVEChZ9RUHyEXobqD4jn8/



Gerald Cormier

Just seeing this. Never heard of this movie/show, but it has my full attention now.

Gerald Cormier

29 minutes in: so she ain't gon' tell him?! Aww...I hate when people don't freaking communicate, but movie has to movie! 🤦🏾‍♂️

Gerald Cormier

Peter was relating someone loving him with them staying with him due to what he's dealing with his dad. It clouded his mind. He made selfish decisions that created memories that aren't worth remembering. Laura Gene finally realized that she had to live her truth. True love wants to see the one you love thrive and at their best...even if it isn't with you. If a relationship is going to end, let it happen organically, not from insecurities, selfishness, or comparing it to other relationships in your life. That's why you should never compare, but see if what you have is what's needed.🤷🏾‍♂️ My favorite person was Laura Gene. My favorite moment is tied between Peter checking on Laura about her well-being after she tells him she didn't get in to Stanford (even if he did continue to control the narrative) & I also love how the little sis tells Laura she's gonna miss her 12 out of 10 (it's too late at night to be effecting my tear ducts)!😥 3.75 out of 5 for me! Nice movie! Great, sound commentary from y'all (nice to know that you both have understanding with your knowledge)! Again, sorry for the length.🙏🏾

Enya and Ishara

Don't be sorry about the length, I love reading stuff like this. I like that you dove into the third one and enjoyed it despite not seeing the others! And you're exactly right about your analysis, I'm glad that she chose for herself and not for Peter or their relationship in the end, and I think she'll be happier in the long run for it. There were a lot of human reactions in this and I appreciated it!

Gerald Cormier

Cool deal...sometimes I over explain things (comes with being a Cancer, 🤫 don't tell Enya...we're total Zodiac opposites)! 🧘🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️👍🏾 Both of you are great! Told a friend at work that I never saw one Harry Potter film: I was kindly (jokingly) asked to leave the break room...and the property.🙃 Looks like I have some movies to watch. Stay golden!

Enya and Ishara

Realized this never got a response, you should DEF look into the movies (but if you can read the books even better!)