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Hi there everyone, the doujin is finally here, 40 full-colored panels. I hope you like it! It took me a super long time, but it's finally here. Thanks a lot for all the support and patience you guys had with me. I'm fine now. I had more than enough rest. Now it's time to bring tons of content!




Congrats on finishing another masterpiece!! So happy that you were able to take the time you need for your health and that your doing ok! Can’t wait for what you have next keep up the great work!!


Máster nisego!!!!! Its awesome


Hey nisego, I’m new to this, how do I open to comic?


Amazing work as usual, and I think I speak for everyone when I say we all hope you’re doing better


That is a good question. Will the pages be simply uploaded to patreon, or are they in some google file/link


Ik on Patreon you should get a message with the drive link and another links for the comics and if you’re in the discord you should be able to get them there


Hey guys, to receive the comic instantly, you can join the discord and follow the rules. If not, I'll send another batch on Monday

Caleb Siebenaler

I've joined the discord but can't find a l8nk or anything, and nothing in the rules.