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Hi there guys, how have you been? Everything is fine here,  just having fun with 

I'm always a little messed up when trying to handle two different things simultaneously, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

 I'm not sure how long the Helltaker story will continue, but we will go through all the girls. Hopefully, it will end before Christmas, haha.

 Right now, I'm working on both projects at the same time, but focusing most of my energy on Mirko, This Doujin will come out by the 14 to 17 of December, and it's going to have 12 pages full of action( we don't need an introduction since we did that in the first part)

I think I can't show anything explicit here, but you can go to my discord if you want to see more detailed sketches regarding the pages. 

 Thanks again for the support, and I hope you enjoy the finished product. I'm doing my best in every drawing to bring you the best quality I can get.




Good job nise


Cool. It’s amazing u can handle two projects! Honestly I barely handle one... still glad your hanging in there and keep up the hard work. Just make sure to take your breaks when u can.

Emmanuel Barrales

Thank you for your hard work. The wait is worth seeing more of your art. Good luck and take care.

Ryan Ryan

Oh man I'm so excited, Mirko!


Keep going!!! You are doing good 🔥🔥🔥


Lol thank you for doing all the girls for helltaker ❤️ I’ll be patient and you take all the time you need lol


Take your time man. And thank you for continue the helltaker one take you sweet time with those girls.