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I'm happy to announce that I'll start working on a new Doujin and Valentine was the girl choosen by our top secret patrons!!. (this isn't the cover btw just an announcement illustration) Tomorrow I'll post a poll to decide who is going to be the partner of Valentine and with that, we'll define the genre too! I hope you feel as excited as I am to start this new journey. Let's draw some ninja titties!

Thanks again for the excellent support, I'll be sharing the process of this Doujin like always, Remember to Join discord for more info!




Did the freya scene ever get posted? Did i miss it or something?


Yes, of course, I'm working on the second part in this exact moment. I want to finish part two to publish the whole thing in just one post.


Awesome just checking in. You got alot on your plate. 👌👍


New Skullgirls lewds. THIS is the moment I've been waiting for.


Hello Nurse