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Hi there! how was your weekend? I'm doing just fine, hope you like the layered psd of this image even when its suuper basic coloring. Just lineart, colors and one shadows layer. I'm finishing the drawing of the pages so today post will be related to that.

PSD is attached to this post, you can download it directly from here




Eh, even if it is fairly simple it's really neat that you went and did the extra work of making it in the first places. Not to mention I think it looks really nice, the theme is really fun and well executed.


Thank you man! I didn't had so much time to make it, that's why I focused my effort in the theme and the drawings. Maybe in the Christmas/new year one I'll share some of the process.


That sounds great, I always finding learning about an artist's process to be a really cool learning experience, even if I can't really use the new knowledge in a practical way (as I am not the most artistically inclined).