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My new OC Chorizo. He's a handheld deviant with a hunky alligator BF. His body shape changes dynamically with the stock of his fridge and his proximity to workout equipment.  Also don't come in him too much or he'll get fat, it's just a feature of his. Pudge or not, he's very healthy and strong. His favorite lift is his tail, and he prefers to get his cardio done with a partner. He's got a keen sense of smell and doesn't know what an inhibition is.

His BF on the other hand is a clean traditional romantic. You know the type; he believes in getting to know a person before getting too intimate or crazy. He's never kissed on a first date (except for Chorizo) or messed around on a first date (except for Chorizo) and he only handles first dates in safe public locations like restaurants and theaters (except for Chorizo). He wants someone who can kick back with him after a day of work and watch sports.

I really wanted to make some more OCs that were a bit more fun and didn't fit the typical species bills (Not that otters and gators are all too uncommon). I made another guy as well I'll post a bit later. (Thanks for the gator push by the way :v)




Otters adorable while the gators hot asf!🔥 They complete eachother like yin and yang🐊💚🦦

Rockford Lujan

Ur art always gives me such a serotonin boost