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Hey hey! First update!

This one is the 0.1.5 since there is no update to the main story, instead this adds in the Side VN/pseudo-RPG "Dragon Slayer" available via the game system in the new extra menu, and a gallery mode (for viewing images and replaying scenes)!

Also a major focus on UI & GUI. The game menu is completely overhauled! The Extra Menu is it's own menu now as well (still accessible through the main menu). Go poke Howl, he loves it!

Enjoy ~8000 words of the very lewd adventures of Erland (or whatever you happen to call him) as you take up the call to slay the dragon! Will he make it out in one piece? (There's currently 3 lewd scenes available in Dragon Slayer)

Edit: Also Content Warning for Dragon Slayer (it is explicit & raunchy): Mpreg, slight C*m inflation!

Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pq9p85kbvvvz0tj/AADqdT1jUg6aNQ76Lx4H6sqba?dl=0

Feedback Form:https://forms.gle/Q1Y7RSSea2Y4mCva6

Again, thank you for your support and patience! All the feedback was read and was very helpful for figuring out this update and the next one! I also plan to release a zip of the higher-res of scenes a bit later.




Yes, this is a bit late I Really liking this sub story my only question is is they’re the only two possible endings to this at the moment? Where you’re with the king or going down the other road and ending up with the hobgoblin Just hoping I’m not misssing out on anything love it though 🙂


Oooo will have to try that!

Dante (Silver Yeena) Roberson

This is some INCREDIBLE work. I feel in love with whit the moment I laid eyes on him and It only got better. I cannot wait to see where this goes!


I feel dumb for asking, but how do I get to the Dragon Slayer game? I can't find the extra menu, I can only see the VN with Howl and Whitman.


It's available in the 10$ tier, and for public it'll be out next month!