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Hey you all! Sorry for the lackluster last month, I was going through some health-related problems, and near the end of the month I just honestly couldn't even work, but I've been better lately, and I hope to start posting more. Expect comic pages (and hopefully something larger). Also, I plan to keep working on the animation, though I want to complete previously held projects and release them before going full into others. I'm pretty bad at spreading myself thin!

Thank you guys for your support. It means the world, seriously.



Heal first, then draw. Your health is obviously more important, amigo. Much love 🤝❤️


Work at your own pace! 😌


Hey no worries! Taking care of your own health comes first. Glad to hear you're doing better though!


It's cool your health is important to keep track of. Glad you are doing better

Andrew Whelan

Don't work yourself sick!

Lucas (Littleatk)

Take your time and don't push yourself because we care about your health too


You have a faster output than most artists I subscribe to and it's always amazingly hot and varied. Don't stress out about not posting every day or anything.