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So felt like doing something animation related since people seemed to be pretty interested in it across the board. Sorry, it's not a muscle man, but I've seen so little of Puss, and the size dif is too tempting.
Also if anyone has any good clue on how to deal with animation on patreon/video files... save me.




Ohhh, this is incredibly hot


Instant loss animations like this would be amazing if you do more. Also; most people who post videos on patreon just upload it to mega and link it.

German Salazar

._. omg great things are coming....... and cumming

Lucas (Littleatk)

This looks amazing😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍😍


Only one other membership I'm a part of does animations and they upload it to Patreon as a downloadable link. I have no clue how they do it, though. Only that it can be downloaded to Google Drive.


yoo this looks so good!


Sadly this didn't load up on Opera GX, had to use Chrome, still a great animation though.


I might just have to do that and include the download link in the description! Probably just have a gif preview in the actual image.


ever since I saw the sickle wolf boy IVE NEEDED to see him RUIN PUSS THANK YOU FOR THIS MEAL

Asher Tail

Ahh this is looking great so far!


Will the full animation end where this WIP ends or are there more positions/parts planned?