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New Employment Ending

...A month later the "inn" finds itself with a boost in revenue thanks to its new star attractions! Of course, these three still get to go about doing their do-goodery, I mean the notoriety sparks demand after all. At night, however, they find themselves eagerly returning to please their growing customer base... and is there really a better way to fight the enemy than to intimately familiarize yourself with them anyway?

The end of these (EX)tra pages! Hope you enjoy it! New pages will continue from page 5, this time with Red and friends taking a more successful path!




Holy shit. Give me the bear please 😍


This is everything I was hoping for and more! <33


This is why I pay you the big bucks!

Spicey Spaceman

So from what i get: Cloud and co were employed as actors and this became a side gig for them?


Not to be rude, I was just wondering if the speech bubbles on the top left are supposed to be missing in the second picture?


OOPS. Unfortunately it's not an artistic choice, I just messed up lol. Thanks for pointing it out!


That final frame would be perfect for an image set if you wanted to do one without needing to think up an entire base, just progressively showing them getting used by more guys and getting more into their jobs.