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I'm not exactly sure that's going to fit... Well I guess this is a fantasy world after all.




Aaaah that so hot !


Before I say this, I mean no disrespect. I love your work and your writing is really good. I just find this scenario funny. Forgot to say this last time, but seriously imagine that out of nowhere, you wake up in front of someone's dick and your first thought is "Ah, yes. I'm a loving wife pleasuring my husband." Like, what do you do in that scenario? I get he's under some pheromone stuff and it's making him think that, but I just find it funny to imagine that you just completely forget what you're doing and as soon as it comes back to you, that's how you word it in your head.


His going to get stretch and inflated like a balloon


Love this series, super, super hot stuff. Especially love his presenting pose in the first panel here. I'm always happy to see Red XIII given attention and this series is some prime Red XIII art.