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The second comic is here! I'll do pages between this and AXIS over time.
Also Textless versions of the pages for this one, hence the second image~
Deep below in the sewers, Red finds himself facing off against the fiendish pet of one of the city's largest crime lords. Left alone while his companions pursue the man himself, he fends off the beast, as he buys time for their return! But will he be able to hold his own for much longer?

One day Red, Cloud, and Bearret find themselves tossed into the world of restricted materia, magical tools so illicit they are only traded by criminals and miscreants inside of shadiest of black markets. Could these tools prove to be useful to their cause? Or will they possibly serve another purpose...






Oh yea this the stuff

Lucas (Littleatk)


Barrus Burr

Very excited for this!